christian education

We believe our vision of "Knowing and Extending The Transforming Love of Jesus Christ" manifests itself as we adhere to the following framework of Christian Education:

1. The Ministry of the Word

Whether in a large group, small group, or a one on one scenario the scriptures principally teach and guide what we are to believe and what we are to do.

2. Connecting the Head and the Heart

As followers of Jesus Christ our chief end is to both glorify God and also enjoy him forever. We believe that knowing the transforming love of Jesus Christ involves the gracious operations of God's Spirit to the whole person. 

3. Modeling and Imitating

Disciples making disciples lead and follow well as unto the chief shepherd, Jesus Christ. We believe that our deepest desires to know and extend the transforming love of Jesus Christ manifest themselves in our daily life and habits. 

Growth opportunities

Sunday School for All Ages

Adult Sunday School Class: Each Sunday at 9:15 - 10:15 am in the Fellowship Hall

Community Groups

Click Here to inquire about and explore Our Community Groups

Seminars / Conferences and Other Events

Click Here to see our Calendar of Events for Upcoming Conferences and Seminars

Adult Sunday School Audio

"Caring for the Bereaved"


Previously Recorded

Sunday School Sessions