Community Groups at Calvary

“Community Groups” are groups of Calvary members and other believers who meet on a regular basis outside of the larger gathering of Sunday morning worship, for the purpose of discipleship, mutual encouragement, and living life together as the body of Christ.

Acts 2:42: tells us that the early church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”  And then, in the verses that follow in Acts 2, we find that it was through this very ordinary means, that “Awe came upon every soul.”  And a community developed that was devoted to living life together.  “Day by day” they both attended Temple, and broke bread together in their homes.  As a result, the Lord added to their number “day by day” those who were being saved.

In addition to the Community Groups listed below we regularly form Intentional Accountability Groups for men and women. If you are interested in one of these groups click here. 

1st & 3rd Monday EveningS


Group Leader: Ed Barnes | Contact Info


Meeting Times: 1st and 3rd Monday evenings 7:15 - 9:00.   

A study in the Gospel of John

We are on break for the summer and plan to resume our study in John's Gospel on September 16.

Meeting Location: Sanctuary Lounge

This is a mixed community group of couples and singles.



Group Leader: Rick Tyson | Contact Info


Meeting Times: 2nd and 4th Monday evenings 7:15 - 9:00.   

A study in the book of Genesis

We are on break for July and August and plan to resume our study on September 23. 

Meeting Location:  Sanctuary Lounge  

This is a mixed community group of couples and singles. 

Tuesday Evening Community Group

Group Leader: Andy Oliver | Contact Info

Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays through the school year.  

2nd Tues we will meet at 6:00—8:30 pm with a meal together before our study; 

4th Tues we will meet for study and fellowship at 7:00—8:30 pm.  

A study in the Psalms.

For the summer, we will only be meeting once per month.  Contact Andy Oliver for more information.  

In this family-friendly home meeting, we seek gospel heart renewal in the context of Christian community with Scripture study, prayer, fellowship, and service together.  

Meeting Location: The Oliver home in Abington

Wednesday Morning Men's Breakfast and Fellowship

8:00 am at Lancer's Diner 858 Easton Road, Horsham


Group Leader: Linda Riggall

Meeting Time: 2nd Wednesday of the month, 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Meeting Location: Church atrium (next to the kitchen)

This group meets monthly to pray and to put together and deliver gift bags to encourage many within our church and community.  

We are on summer break.  We will begin meeting again on Wednesday, Sept 11 at 1:00 pm. 

Thursday Women's Bible Study

Group Leader: Susan Fitzwater | Contact Info


Meeting Times: Thursday Mornings | 10:00 - 11:30 am (Come at 9:45 for coffee and fellowship!)

The women enjoy large group teaching as well as small group discussion.  

We are on summer break now and look forward to beginning again on Sept 19 with a study of Ruth and Esther. 

CLICK HERE for more information.

Meeting Location: Fellowship Hall

saturday Morning Men's Bible Study

Group Leader: David Solivan | Contact Info

Meeting Time: Saturday mornings at 7:30 am

We are on break for the summer and plan to resume on September 14.

Meeting Location: Education Building Atrium

Young adult group

Group Leader: Drew Freed | Contact Info

Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings each month at 5:00 pm

Meeting Location: Sanctuary Lounge

For the summer, we are meeting once a month for an activity.