Men's Ministry

God is our Refuge and Strength

Men's Ministry takes many forms

  • Saturday morning Bible study at 7:30 - 9:00 am, with coffee & donuts, Bible study, and discussion. The group is led by David Solivan, and they are currently studying the book of Luke.

  • Wednesday morning breakfast at Lancers Diner for fellowship and Christian encouragement.

  • Wednesday Morning Maintenance Crew - a group of volunteers meet weekly to address various maintenance issues and larger facility projects. Not only have they saved the church a lot of money over the years, they also have had these opportunities to use their gifts for the church while also forming friendships and encouraging one another in their walks with the Lord.
  • Men's Softball Team: From April through June, our Men's Softball Team participates in a local church softball league, playing most of their games at Mondauk Park. In addition to good fellowship and mentoring opportunities among the team members, our church community enjoys attending the games on spring evenings and cheering our team on!