
Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:14-15

The Structure of Our Worship Service

Here at Calvary, we see worship as a dialogue between God and his people. This is why in each part of our service, our songs, prayers, and confessions come after hearing something about what God says in the Bible. God speaks, we respond. You will notice that in the order of worship there are three headings. These headings are there in order to mark off where each element in the service fits in this overall flow.

God Calls Us and Cleanses Us –

In the first movement of the service, God calls us into His presence by His Word, we then respond by singing praise to Him, confessing our sins, and receiving His word of assurance of grace to us in Jesus Christ.

We Respond with Thanks and Prayer –

In the second movement of the service, having heard about the mercy that we have received in Jesus Christ, we then express our thanks for salvation by singing, confessing our faith, and then giving to God our requests and offerings.

God Strengthens Us by His Word & Table –

The Last movement in the flow of our service prepares us to get up and go out into the world. As we are strengthened by God’s Word and Spirit in the preaching of the Gospel and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, we then arise as vessels of God’s mercy to offer ourselves in loving service to Him and to our neighbors.


Calvary’s music style is considered blended as we weave together sacred music from throughout the ages. On a rotating and combined schedule, our orchestra, the church organ or piano, and our praise team provide accompaniment to our congregational singing.


Calvary has a long history of expository preaching from our founding in 1936 until the current day. The past 12 years or so are stored on our YouTube page. You can find the latest sermon or search the "Playlists" to find full sermon series. There is even a collection of Shorts that encapsulate important truths from Scripture that remain fundamental for our lives today.

We stream our services live through YouTube and Facebook each Sunday morning at 10:30 am.

4:00pm Worship and Prayer Service

Our weekly evening worship and prayer service is similar to our morning worship service where we gather to hear God’s word read and preached, pray, and sing together. Towards the end of the service, we form small groups to pray with one another.